The Great Escape: Your Life as an Exodus from Egypt

There are stories that seem to belong to history, neatly tucked away in the past, like ancient relics behind museum glass. And then there are stories that, despite their age, feel startlingly alive, as though they are whispering some great secret about our own lives—if only we have the ears to hear it. The Exodus […]

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The Mysterious Presence of the Hidden God

The Mysterious Presence of the Hidden God

A Personal Reflection on Divine Hiddenness During a period of Eucharistic Adoration, I witnessed something interesting that sparked this reflection. As sunlight streamed through a stained glass window containing small round glass beads, it cast a spectrum of vibrant colours across the painted wall near the tabernacle. This simple yet insightful physical phenomenon—white light revealing

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Judas’ Betrayal and the Eucharist

Judas’ Betrayal and the Eucharist: Faith, Unbelief, and Warning

Judas Iscariot is one of the most tragic and mysterious figures in Scripture. His betrayal of Christ has been attributed to multiple causes—greed, political disillusionment, and even direct influence from Satan. Yet, beneath all these lies a deeper and more unsettling factor: his rejection of Christ’s teaching on the Eucharist. The Motives for Betrayal Greed

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Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman

Why Did Jesus Compare the Syrophoenician Woman to a Dog?

“Let the children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”—Mark 7:27 At first glance, these words of Jesus seem unsettling. The gentle Rabbi, the Good Shepherd, the One who heals the broken-hearted, here appears uncharacteristically harsh—dismissing a desperate woman with what sounds like

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Joseph and Jesus: Biblical Typology in the Old Testament

Joseph and Jesus: Biblical Typology in the Old Testament

In the grand narrative of Scripture, few stories illuminate the person and work of Christ more brilliantly than that of Joseph, son of Jacob. Like a master artist laying down preliminary sketches before revealing their masterpiece, God embedded in Joseph’s life a remarkable prefiguration of His Son’s redemptive mission. The parallels emerge with striking clarity:

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